Table of contents
The National Museum of Natural History published a series of posters and flyers in cooperation with the Ministry for the Environment and the Health Directorate.
Table of the mosquitoes of Luxembourg and Europe (2019)
- Without crop marks for projection or home printing [ EN | DE ]
- With crop marks for professional printing [ EN | DE ]
Pest mosquitoes in Luxembourg and Europe (2019)
- Without crop marks for projection or home printing [ EN | DE ]
- With crop marks for professional printing [ EN | DE ]
Invasive mosquitoes in Luxembourg and Europe (2019)
- Without crop marks for projection or home printing [ EN | DE ]
- With crop marks for professional printing [ EN | DE ]
Anatomy of a mosquito larva (2019)
- Without crop marks for projection or home printing [ EN | DE ]
- With crop marks for professional printing [ EN | DE ]
Anatomy of a female adult mosquito (2019)
- Without crop marks for projection or home printing [ EN | DE ]
- With crop marks for professional printing [ EN | DE ]
Ries, C. & F. Schaffner, 2019. Conseils pour éliminer les gîtes larvaires de moustiques autour de son habitation. Dépliant en 4 langues (FR, LB, DE, PT), 2 p. Éditeurs: Musée national d’histoire naturelle, Direction de la santé (MS), Département de l’environnement (MECDD) [PDF 1.5 MB]
CIEI, 2013. Les moustiques : Des gestes simples pour éviter leur prolifération dans nos jardins. Cellule interdepartementale sur les espèces invasives (CIEI) du Service Public de Wallonie. Dépliant, 2p. [PDF 449 KB]
Page content last updated on 2019-11-18.